The Path to the Light
Choreography/Music: Vivek Patel
Dancers: James Boston, Sylvie Ducharme, Sofia Farkona, Keith MacQuarrie, Kevin Meixner, Sarah Puja Jones
Dancers: James Boston, Sylvie Ducharme, Sofia Farkona, Keith MacQuarrie, Kevin Meixner, Sarah Puja Jones
This dance represents the inner struggle to love and accept ourselves. We have to deal with many demons within. It is a daily battle. Once we achieve victory over the invisible enemies we can live in the light. We are then free to create our lives in any way we want. We have the power to write our own stories, rather than have them written for us.
Vivek Patel
James Boston
Sylvie Ducharme
Sofia Farkona
Keith MacQuarrie
Kevin Meixner
Sarah Puja Jones