Amanda Smith, Ferenc Szabo, David Galloway, Elisa Hollenberg, Stefan Alexander, Elena Andriyashyna
This piece was choreographed collaboratively, with each dancer contributing ideas and movements. The theme of an "interloper" emerged from the feeling of being isolated, left-out or socially excluded. The theme evolved to represent the coldness, numbness, conformity, and safety in numbers that occurs in the stereotypical "corporate" world. We explored the relationship between finding safety and comfort in groups and our attraction to an "interloper" who "interrupts" dances that are different from her own.
Ferenc Szabo
Ferenc [rhymes with "Terrence"] started dancing in 2012 at The Move. "Hell no!" was his first thought when invited to “Move”, but after trying it once was hooked. Dancing evolved into Contact Improv, where he started out as a bull in a china shop but is striving to be more like a panther in a mattress store. He's also somebody who hangs out with musicians, also known as a drummer and percussionist. Amanda Smith grew up dancing, and has continued dancing in some form throughout most of her life. She found that she could dance how she’d always wanted to, though, when she found the conscious/ecstatic dance community two years ago. She is excited to be part of this project and to be exploring how improvised dance can be captured in choreography.
Elisa Hollenberg has danced from the young age of 7-17, with formal training in ballet, jazz and modern. She went on to focus on improvisational and less formal dance forms such as voice and movement practice and the 5Rhythms practice, which she has studied since 2002. Elisa has a keen interest in seeing how improvisational dance practices may transform into choreography, and therefore started the Create-Move-Connect project to experiment with creating dance pieces and choreography with improvisational dancers.